52词语>英语词典>fluff up翻译和用法

fluff up



  • The transportation and marketing systems of Leather and Fluff of Tianjin and its hinterland worked up with the developing of Tianjin's exported economy and its change about the transportation.
  • "Do I tell you how to fluff up a pillow?" he asked.
  • I made a real effort to fluff up my feathers.
  • Bundles of fluff: Doting cat owner Rosa Wardle shows off her pet Blue Snowman, left, while Yvette Barber holds up her Tabby Colourpoint Firecracker at the Supreme Championship Cat Show.
  • EXAMPLE: Sales of our company's oldest product had dropped in recent years, so we decided to fluff it up and fly it by producing it in a variety of popular new colors.